Friday, September 25, 2015

Resepi pisang goreng rangup

So somebody kat ofis bagi 4 biji pisang. I dont know wether i want to eat it raw or make something else from it. But last night my dad gave me some takeaways and....well because of that i decide to make pisang goreng.
I assure you, this pisang goreng is really really rangup. No fancy food items needed.

2 sudu tepung gandum
2 sudu tepung beras
1 cubit soda bikarbonat
Pisang (duh)

Letakkan semua bahan kecuali air dan pisang dalam mangkuk.
Masukkan air sikit2 sampai adunan jd melekit dan tidak berketul. Makensure jgn cair sgt.
Potong pisang serong dan nipis (tapi jgn nipis sgt nanti pecah). Masukkan dalam adunan.


Senang kan? Dan mmg rangup giler.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Public appearance and public transport

Boring topic eh?
Well, I go out today. By public transport.
I think its been awhile since I appear in public. Hahaha that sentence makes me seems like somekind of celebrity.
But that previous statement is true nevertheless.
Being in public makes me kinda nervous. There are strangers staring at you and once in awhile they come up to u to ask questions.
Example, today, 4 strangers approach me to ask direction.
Why me though?
Do i look harmless when im traveling? Hmmmm