Monday, October 1, 2012

Home Sweet Home...

I have my own place now. Well, not really but sort of?  I've moved in like 4 days ago. Officially on Saturday.

So, yeah....I do have my own place now.  My own car. My own fridge.  My own washing machine. My own dinner set. I have enough to start a life. Life is freaking awesome!

If this was how human measure maturity/independence, I'm completely mature and independent.  Surprisingly, its a scary feeling.  And why its scary, I'm on the way of figuring it out.  Maybe independent feels too close like emptiness or maybe its a new phase and its just natural to feel scared.  "Its a growing up process," and that's what I've been telling myself.

Or...the house is big and its only me in it so thats why I feel empty. 

Well, no turning back now and its not like I'm not happy with it. Quite, contrary I'm happy...just different is all.  While being dependent is a nice thing(like reeeaaalllly nice) but life can become quite challenging and sometimes you cant quit being anxious.  This can be pretty annoying.  This feeling like something will jump at you from the shadow or theres something important that you miss or something valuable that you misplace...

It can be a disease.  'Was-was' we called it in Malay.  Or 'jiwa kacau'.

Anyway, do come to my house. You can always have filtered water if nothing else. HAhaaha

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