Wednesday, October 13, 2010

On reading

The first time I saw The Ad at the underground tube--I was on my way to Dilla's in Surrey or was it during my visit to El's?-- I instantly wanted to read it. The title and the illustration was calling to me so strong that I wasted no time searching about it on the net. Yet, till now, i haven't had the courage to read it because Les Miserables is a big book.

Like Mick Foley said, "A big book is like a serious relationship; it requires a commitment. Not only that, but there's no guarantee that you will enjoy it, or that it will have a happy ending."
And I always want my happy ending.

This proves to be a problem because as far as I know, majority of big books is tragedy.


I hope someday I will....hmm... I don't it worth it? Like really, is it worth it? I just know that if I finish reading it I'll be miserable afterward (apt title, eh?). Do I want to be miserable? Hell, no. Thankyouverymuch.

Maybe I'll pick it up when I go on a journey somewhere because books always feel better during traveling.

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