Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game

I think I wanna do some review on books that I've read. This is one of them.
Title: Ender's Game
Author: Orson Scott Card
Genre: Sci-Fi

Ender's Game is book one from the Ender's Saga series.

I don't know how I stumbled upon this book because if I have to be frank, I don't like Sci-Fi. And I'll be honest and confess, I dont think I'd ever read a Sci-Fi book to the end before. So why this book?

Okay, actually I was sifting through the lists and I found this "Books that you'll never forget" list. The title intrigued me so I clicked it and wallaa....lots of interesting books.

You must think this book is the first on the list. Alas, no. I think this book comes twelve or something. In fact, the first on the list is The Hunter's Game (which I'm yet to read).

Anyway, I decided to read it (the reason is too boring to tell).

This book blew me away. Wow is an understatement. I mean, I've never read a book that makes my heart beats faster the whole time I was reading it.

Reading this book feels like playing a great game. Everytime I turned a page it was like I advanced a game level. I wanted to keep reading to see what was beyond the game and what reward I could get by advancing.

And it never disappointed me. Really it never did. It was like every words are important and if you skip any of it, you'll miss something out.

To be truth, psychological-point-of-view of Enders was what drew me in actually. The way it was told enabled me to be in his shoes and subsequently let me experienced the world created in Ender's Game.
It was detail, it was intricate, it was sharp, thus it was beautiful to me.

Contrary to popular belief, I cant seem to hate Ender. Throughout my reading, I just want to hug and cuddle him. He was so miserable and smart and strong and sad that he was cute.

The author brilliantly control the universe he created such that he didnt give me a chance to find loopholes. I just kept reading until I reached the last page. Meaning, I didnt notice I've reached the end until I couldnt turn a page anymore. (And that was a tragedy, I tell you). And that was a very good thing to me because I'm always bothered by loopholes. This is the first book that managed to fool me that it doesnt have loopholes.

I'm going to read the second book. Hope it will be better than this or as good as.
Can't wait.

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