Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hassan Din, Personality Test and Other Related Subjects

Every morning, i turn on the TV as I prepare myself for work--just because--and I usually tune to channel 9 which has Tanyalah Ustaz programme at 7am.  Its a nice way to start your day tuning in to that program.
However, I dont usually pay much attention to what's on as i buzzling about making sure i dont forget anything before i leave the house.
Nonetheless, today, Ustaz Hassan Din is on TV9 discussing about Maal Hajrah--which is tomorrow, by the way--which is not unusual until one of the audience ask a very interesting question.

The question goes like this:
Nabi dilahirkan pada 12 Rabiulawal dan wafat juga pada 12 Rabiulawal. Apa signifikasi tarikh tersebut?

As predicted, the ustaz said, we shouldnt put any weight on numbers, like some people do especially the Chinese.  Yet, its okay for the Chinese to do this because its in their culture and theres nothing in their religion that goes against it.  But for us Muslims, we are prohibited to believe that any numbers may it be birthdate, wedding date, car plate number etc have any influence or weight in our life.

Which is, well, I know this and this is not my main point...We will get to the main point in a bit.

So.. the other day, Shida showed me something that certain people do in order to get to know a person personality by using birthdate as indicator, where we calculate birthdate to get a number that mainly represent a person personality. It is quite intriguing and I quickly found myself googling for more info.  I was always kinda obsess about human behaviour study so this is a very interesting thing to me.  It is fun asking people around for their birthdates and finding out their so called personalities.  But we do it just for fun and giggles, just because, you know, its fun. Some of the findings may or may not be true but mostly they are bulls*it. Why, you ask.  Its a long explanation for that and lets not get me started on it.


Okay, but like I said, that is not the main point of this post.  So in my eagerness in googling for more information on this stuff, i found out something shocking. Jeng jeng jeng...

Soooo, do you know about this big dude that teach people how to be a millionare? You can easily find him in Metro ad.  No? Well, no loss there, so dont worry.
Just that, turns out he uses this birthdate calculation personality thingy in his teaching.  And amazingly, people paid him for that. Huh. Who would have thunk it, right? So, okay, maybe, in his defence  he may or may not teach other things in his workshop that worth the money being paid. but isnt it fishy? He teaches something that is prohibited in Islam and he is a Muslim. Ironic much? Well, thats a penny for your thought.

While finding out one's personality using numbers is fishy at best, there are other qualified ways to pinpoint a person's personality trait.  But bear in mind, the keyword here is trait.  It's impossible to know one's personality thoroughly without knowing him/her for years.  But personality trait? That's achievable.

How so? By doing a psychology test, of course.

There are a lot of tests to take if you which to know personality traits.  My favorite is the Carl Jung test.  Dr Jung said, there are mainly 16 personality traits in human in general.  These traits usually influences our choices in jobs, partners, etc.  Whats good about this test is, it helps you decide on...something, like what job you want to take, which partner is most suitable for you, how will youl likely react in certain situations etc etc.  In an intellectual point of view, Dr Carl Jung finding is rather stimulatingly interesting--to quote Spock.
So if you are interested what sort of trait you belong to, you can take this test here:
Personality Test

Tell me what you got and I'll tel you mine. Its a barter, baby. Do try the test. You might in for a surprise.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Laksa Penang(an)

So atas request Cik Pn Kaya, this is a tutorial on how to buat laksa penang, my style.  I mean, my dad's style but whateve...

However before we start, you should know, to make a fishy and mouth-watering laksa, the most important ingredient is the fish itself.  Let it be known, the most suitable type of fish for this dish is ikan sardin hitam.  Why hitam? There are several types of sardines, the most delicious one is the blacker of the two (and of course more expensive) because it has fish oil that is just smashing!
Ikan sardin hitam
Gambar tu gambar ikan sardin bagi sapa yg x tau rupenyer. Pergi pasar, belilah sekilo. Cukuplah nak mkn satu family, 2-3 kali mkn.

Now, to do it, you need these things:
10 ekor ikan sardin hitam yg fresh
5 biji bawang besar
Asam keping
Daun selum
Bunga kantan
Cili kering
Perisa Tambahan

1. Mula-mula, p beli ikan. Hehe. Pastu, siang ikan. Kalau ada telur ikan, jgn buang. Boleh masuk dlm kuah.  Siang, basuh dan basuh lagi.
2. Rebus ikan yang telah disiang (dgn telur ikan sekali) dengan asam keping dan garam.  Cakap psl asam keping ni, susah nk ckp berapa bnyk nk letak. So start la ngan 5 keping dulu ke. Kalau tak cukup masam, boleh tambah kemudian. Garam pun sama. Bubuh lah sikit dulu. Nanti tak masin, baru tambah.  Rebus tu, ikan biar tenggelam dalam air tapi air jgn banyak sgt.  Kalau terlampau bnyk, kuah akan cair. Kureng sedap. Jgn rebus terlampau lama sampai ikan hancur. Susah nk perisi ikan nanti
Ikan kene rebus ngan asam keping and garam
 3. Ok, sambil dok tunggu ikan tu direbus, potong cili kering. Saya x pernah agak brape bnyk nk pakai. Selalunya saya potong bnyk2 sekali so lebihan boleh simpan dlm peti ais. Dah potong, rebus sampai mendidih.
Cili kering yg tlh dipotong
4. Sambil dok tunggu dua-dua tu mendidih, kupaslah bawang.  Bwg yg plg sedap, warna dia lebih purple/merah dr yang lain. Kalo pilih bwg, amik yg kalernyer lg gelap dr yg lain. More juicy.  Kalau ptg mmg pedih mata punya. Hehe
Saya suka mkn bwg so sy letak bnyk bwg. Kalau nk letak lg bnyk pun boleh tp agak2 la kan. Dah kupas, basuh, pastu ptg2 mcm gbr kat bwh ni supaya senang nak blend. Letak tepi.
5. Jgn blender bawang dulu. Bende pertama yg nk blend ialah cili kering td. Tos cili kering rebus tu, pastu basuh bagi hilang warna hitam. Lepas tu blender sampai lumat.
Cili kering utk blend
 Dah lumat, pindahkan masuk dalam bekas lain mcm dlm gbr kat bwh ni.
Simpan cili yang telah blend
6. Bekas blender cili tu, jgn basuh. Blend bwg pulak. Saya suka blend bwg ngan belacan. Sapa x tau rupe belacan, rupe dia mcm kat bwh ni. Belacan ni sebenarnya kalau letak lagi banyak selalunya buat kuah tu lagi sedap tp sy x suka belacan bnyk sgt.  Agak2 mcm besar pemadam pen sudah la.
Blend sampai lumat habis.
ini belacan aa, dari mersing woo

7. Sudah blend, masuk semua dlm periuk besar utk buat kuah.
8. Ikan rebus tadi, kaut dan masukkan dalam bekas berisi air bersih. Air rebusan tadi biarkan je dlm periuk. Tujuan letak dlm air bersih ialah utk sejukkan ikan rebus dan nk amik air bersih tu jd kuah tambahan.
9. Bila agak2 dh boleh pegang ikan tu,perisilah ia (hehe). Isi ikan terus masuk dlm blender tapi tulang tinggalkan je dalam bekas berisi air tadi.
10. Blend isi ikan dan telur ikan guna air rebusan ikan. Make sure, tapis air rebusan supaya tulang tak masuk sekali. Sudah lumat, terus masuk ke dalam periuk. Ulang 9 dan 10 hingga isi ikan habis.
11. Blend tulang ikan. Guna air rebusan jika masih ada atau boleh guna air bekas tulang tu. Blend lagi sampai hancur.  Masukkan dalam periuk dgn bertapis. Wajib tapis sebab tak mo tulang dan hampas masuk skali dlm kuah. Sebenarnya, rasa tulang ni yg bg perisa tambahan so rugi kalau tak amik.
12. Lepas tu, kacau2 sikit kuah dalam periuk tu.  Cili blend tadi boleh masuk sikit2 ikut sedap rasa. Saya cadang dlm 5 sudu besar pun dah ok dah. Cili tidak begitu mempengaruhi rasa.
13. Hidupkan api.  Biar sampai mendidih.  Oh ye. Kalau nk letak ajinomoto pun boleh. Selalunya org letak, tapi kalau ikan fresh, x letak pun x pe.
14. Rasa kuah. Kalau tak masam letak sama keping. Tak pedas, tambah cili. Jgn tambah garam sampai kuah mendidih.  Letak daum kesum dan bunga kantan.
Bunga kantan

Daun kesum
15. Biar kuah mendidih.  Tunggu esok baru makan.  Sbb apa? laksa adalah sejenis masakan perapan yg lagi sedap dimakan jika disimpan semalaman. Heheh

A complete bowl of laksa i made yesterday

Itu sahaja. Boleh x Pn Kaya? Hehe
If you ask my dad, theres another secret ingredient but thats for me to know and you all to find out. Hehehhhohohoho. Good luck. Selamat mencuba.