Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hassan Din, Personality Test and Other Related Subjects

Every morning, i turn on the TV as I prepare myself for work--just because--and I usually tune to channel 9 which has Tanyalah Ustaz programme at 7am.  Its a nice way to start your day tuning in to that program.
However, I dont usually pay much attention to what's on as i buzzling about making sure i dont forget anything before i leave the house.
Nonetheless, today, Ustaz Hassan Din is on TV9 discussing about Maal Hajrah--which is tomorrow, by the way--which is not unusual until one of the audience ask a very interesting question.

The question goes like this:
Nabi dilahirkan pada 12 Rabiulawal dan wafat juga pada 12 Rabiulawal. Apa signifikasi tarikh tersebut?

As predicted, the ustaz said, we shouldnt put any weight on numbers, like some people do especially the Chinese.  Yet, its okay for the Chinese to do this because its in their culture and theres nothing in their religion that goes against it.  But for us Muslims, we are prohibited to believe that any numbers may it be birthdate, wedding date, car plate number etc have any influence or weight in our life.

Which is, well, I know this and this is not my main point...We will get to the main point in a bit.

So.. the other day, Shida showed me something that certain people do in order to get to know a person personality by using birthdate as indicator, where we calculate birthdate to get a number that mainly represent a person personality. It is quite intriguing and I quickly found myself googling for more info.  I was always kinda obsess about human behaviour study so this is a very interesting thing to me.  It is fun asking people around for their birthdates and finding out their so called personalities.  But we do it just for fun and giggles, just because, you know, its fun. Some of the findings may or may not be true but mostly they are bulls*it. Why, you ask.  Its a long explanation for that and lets not get me started on it.


Okay, but like I said, that is not the main point of this post.  So in my eagerness in googling for more information on this stuff, i found out something shocking. Jeng jeng jeng...

Soooo, do you know about this big dude that teach people how to be a millionare? You can easily find him in Metro ad.  No? Well, no loss there, so dont worry.
Just that, turns out he uses this birthdate calculation personality thingy in his teaching.  And amazingly, people paid him for that. Huh. Who would have thunk it, right? So, okay, maybe, in his defence  he may or may not teach other things in his workshop that worth the money being paid. but isnt it fishy? He teaches something that is prohibited in Islam and he is a Muslim. Ironic much? Well, thats a penny for your thought.

While finding out one's personality using numbers is fishy at best, there are other qualified ways to pinpoint a person's personality trait.  But bear in mind, the keyword here is trait.  It's impossible to know one's personality thoroughly without knowing him/her for years.  But personality trait? That's achievable.

How so? By doing a psychology test, of course.

There are a lot of tests to take if you which to know personality traits.  My favorite is the Carl Jung test.  Dr Jung said, there are mainly 16 personality traits in human in general.  These traits usually influences our choices in jobs, partners, etc.  Whats good about this test is, it helps you decide on...something, like what job you want to take, which partner is most suitable for you, how will youl likely react in certain situations etc etc.  In an intellectual point of view, Dr Carl Jung finding is rather stimulatingly interesting--to quote Spock.
So if you are interested what sort of trait you belong to, you can take this test here:
Personality Test

Tell me what you got and I'll tel you mine. Its a barter, baby. Do try the test. You might in for a surprise.


  1. u really have a way to allure ppl to do this personality! -sara

  2. Hve you done it? What did u get?
