Tuesday, December 17, 2013

My Pinterest

My Pinterest is full of:
a. Food
b. Cats
C. Sherlock
D. Those lol posters

But by Pinterest I mean, Twitter, +Google and anything that resembles those things.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Bawang oh bawang

Take a guess on how much bawang costs these days.
Its rm3 per kilo.
Since Malaysian dishes almost always use bawang, everything gonna be hella expensive.
No wonder perompak is everywhere.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Travelling? No, thank you.

Two weeks ago I was in Tawau. Its a surprisingly 'polite' town. When I say polite...yeah. We were there for 4 days.
Then a week after, I was in Kota Kinabalu for 4 days too.
And this week, im in Kuala Terengganu.  Thank God this trip is for 3 days only.

Anyway, what I want to say is, I sometimes, travel. When I say sometimes I mean almost always. It is unfortunate for me cause I hate travel for obvious reason.

So here what I wanna share is what i do to less-hate travelling.  Here is what I always practise:
a) buy mineral water before reaching hotel. Like, seriously, drink a lot of water. Makes you less cranky and keep your skin moisturise
b) bring a tin of your favorite tuna with you. I know you can get it from any 7eleven near you but its always more expensive and they dont always carry your favorite. This helps me from starving especially for dinner cause we dont always have access to restaurant nearby. At least the cheap one.
c) buy yogurt and eat it one per night. Helps with digestion. Do you know that sometimes our body dont digest as well when traveling?
d) just bring one pair of jeans. Just one. Im serious. Oh. And just one pair of pj or baju kelawar or whatever you wear to bed too. This is call light travelling.
e) if you can, put everything in your luggage except for your phone. Dont bring anything on board. Less hassle. And always travel with just one bag. Better a bigger bag than a lot of them.

Thats all I remember for now. If you cant do all, at least do the yogurt one. Its awesome cos it works.

This is the view from our hotel.

Right. Ta.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Mee Goreng Basah


We have roughly another week till Raya. Arent you excited?  Well, not really. I really like Ramadhan and I dont really like the way we overexaggerate on celebrating Raya.  But then again, thats just me.

Ramadhan allows me to cook my own food. I really am happy to be able to plan and buy and cook my own food. Its very satisfying and healty (some of the time).  Chances like this are hard to come in any other month.  So thats one more thing I like about Ramadhan.

Anyway, here is one of the dishes I made. Simple, one-meal dish.  Really easy too.  I've been experimenting on how to make the most sedap mee goreng for years now and I think I finally settle on this (for a certain value of sedap).  It is a bit lembap and is divine while hot.  A squeeze of lemon juice will make a world difference too (if you like that kind of thing).

Gambo tu ialah mee goreng basah desperate namanya. Hehe...supposely, kene ada hijau2 skit tapi biasala, apa yang ada je. Sayur hijau x dak. Jawabnya, taugeh je la.

This portion will feed 2-3 people.  I think..
1/2 peket mee kuning - basuh dan toskan
Kepingan daging/daging hancur
Taugeh - bersihkan dan buang kepala hitam tu
Sawi hijau - bersihkan dan potong
1 biji tauhu putih - cincang halus
2 ulas bwg putih - tumbuk kasar
3 cili padi (optional)
2 sudu cili kisar
2 sudu sos tiram
3 sudu kicap masin/ kicap manis (atau secukup rasa)
4 sudu minyak makan
1 cawan kecil air

1. Mula-mula, panaskan kuali. Masukkan minyak. Bila minyak dah panas, masukkan tauhu.  Biar masak skit tauhu tu, nampak perang2 sikit, masukkan bawang putih dan cili padi.
2. Bila bawang putih dah semerbak, masukkan daging.  Kacau sampai daging tu mengecut sikit (berubah warna), lepas tu masukkan cili kisar. Ratakan semua dan kacau dalam seminit supaya cili tu masak skit.  Masukkan air.
3. Biar mendidih sekejap, masukkan sos tiram dan kicap.  Kicap ni, ikut suka sebenarnya tapi jangan banyak sebab mee cepat rasa masin. Lagipun, kalau tak cukup rasa, boleh tambah kemudian. Kalau nak mee tu manis2, pakaila kicap manis. Kalau tak suka manis, boleh pakai kicap masin. Tapi, mee goreng sedap kalau pakai kicap manis (imho).
4. Masuk mee. Kacau sampai sebati dan mee agak kering.  Mee akan meresap kuah tu dan bertukar jadi hitam.  Rasa mee, kalau tak cukup masin, tambah kicap.
5. Tutup api. Masukkan taugeh dan kacau sebati.  Hiaskan dengan daun bawang&sup dan bawang goreng.

Tadaaa... dah siap. I made this in less than 10 minit. Maknanya senang je la.  Resepi ni memang tak pakai garam. Jangan letak plak. Masin kang sapa yang susah? hehe

p/s: Imho, mee sedap kalau rencahnya daging dan ada tauhu. Ayam pun ok tapi kurang skit 'kick' dia.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Tomato soup and Macaroni

I have a lot of tomatoes in the fridge. I dont even know why. Maybe there were on sales or something.
So, since i have them and not lot of other things, i make tomato soup.

When I say tomato soup, dont imagine tomato soup in a can cause its not tomato soup in a can (like seriously). I hate tomato soup in a can. I dont even like tomato soup, mostly.

My version of tomato soup is really similar to macaroni soup but with a lot of tomatoes!

Okay. The ingredients:

6-7 small tomatoes
2 big red onions
3 gingers
chicken fillet
1 tsp of Soto powder
olive oil

1. First, put macaroni in a pot. Add water, some salt and oil. Bring it to boil and then turn off the heat and let it simmer in the pot. Put aside.
2. Chop onions, tomatoes, gingers and chicken meat.
3. Tke a large pot, saute chop onions with olive oil till brown in it then put in the chicken meat. Stir, stir and stir till slightly cook. If you feel that the oil is not enough, add some more.  Then add in tomatoes.
4. Add a bowl of water (or accordingly). Bring it to boil. Add soto powder.
5. Toast macaroni and add them to the soup.
6. Add salt, stir and turn off heat.
Because my new aim in life is to add habbatus sauda in everything i make, i add a spoonful of them in my soup. This is purely optional.

This is a very healthy meal. Olive oil and habbatus sauda help with digestion while tomatoes are good for skins.  Onions make you feel full faster so you wont eat as much.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Cendawan Goreng Rangup

So, like i said in the last post, i have like a kilo of pearl mushrooms. So, this week will be a mushroom-themed week.

So for brunch today i make Cendawan Goreng Rangup to compliment my Handi Fish Curry.

Plentiful of fresh pearl mushrooms
A tbs corn flour
3 tbs rice flour
Black pepper
Cooking oil

1. Wash those mushrooms but DONT soak them and toast them. Season them with salt. Not to much salt or otherwise it will be too salty.
2. Mix corn flour and rice flour in a bowl.
3. Put the salted mushroom in the bowl and mix them well. Sprinkle some black pepper while mixing. You can leave out the black pepper if you dont want them.
4. Deep fry those mushrooms. Eat while hot.

p/s: If you want your mushrooms to be more spicy, put in a tbs of curry or cili powder in the flour mix. I dont put them cause i want to eat these mushrooms with curry.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cekodok Pisang @ Cucur Pisang

So, I have a kilo of fresh pearl mushrooms but I made cekodok (because I have a tandan of very ripe bananas too)!

En Mahdzir wants a delicious cendawan goreng rangup resepi but i dont know for sure my resepi will be delicious but this cekodok resepi is simply marvelous.

Very ripe pisang. Any kind of pisang you want. Preferably small kind.
Sugar, maybe 3-4 spoons
Pinch of salt
Roti putih

1. First, peel off the banana and mash them with sugar and salt in a big bowl
2. Take 3-4 slices of white bread and put them in the same bowl
3. Pour milk little by little while smashing the bread until you have a nice dough.
4. Goreng! While frying, it will be a bit sticky but let it brown before you turn it. Let it cool before you eat. You will find that the cekodok is crispy outside but deliciously gooiey inside.


p/s: This is a very luxurious kind of cekodok. Of course, if you want, you can add tepung gandum to make more dough but since i have a lot of bananas and no one else to eat it, i did it this way.