Thursday, October 27, 2011, everybody can fly!

So, it was a stress week at work (and still is). Seriously, rude people is a dime a dozen (or even cheaper) nowadays; Make one wonder if they grow up motherless or something (even so...that's not always the case). So, if I yelled or said something scandalous, I cant be held responsible.

Some more, have you watched that video from youtube about that girl from China that died because nobody cares? She was run over thrice. THRICE people! Selfish cant even begin to describe what is wrong with that scenario.

This is moral bankruptcy at its peak.

Ok, lets a have a simple Language lesson. See, 'humanity' comes from the word 'human', right? And the word 'human' means having the attributes of human If there's no more 'human' in this world these days, lets ask ourself, what left off of 'humanity' then? -ity? More like 'empty' to me.

It is a sad, sad day discovering human has left humanity to rot and disappear.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Nasi Goreng Tomato

For this entry, I want to write down my favourite Nasi Goreng recipe.

Nasi Goreng Tomato

Bahagian A
2 pot beras (tanak sehingga masak. nasi jangan lembik)

Bahagian B
1 potong ayam
2 biji tomato

Bahagian C
10 (atau lebih) cili padi
segenggam ikan bilis
3 ulas bawang putih
1 biji bawang merah

Bahagian D
3 sudu sos tomato
perisa (jika mahu)

1. Tanak beras sebanyak 2 pot. Sejukkan. Pastikan nasi yang terhasil tidak lembik sebab kurang sesuai untuk buat nasi goreng. Ramas-ramaskan nasi supaya berkecai.

2. Potong dadu tomato dan ayam. Asingkan.

3. Blend semua bahagian C sehingga hampir halus.

4. Panaskan kuali dan letakkan minyak secukupnya. Masukkan semua bahan yang diblend tadi.

5. Bila bahan tumisan mula kering dan berbau harum, masukkan ayam. Masukkan garam dan perisa (jika mahu).

6. Tunggu hingga ayam masak, kemudian masukkan tomato. Gaulkan dan masukkan nasi. Gaul hingga rata.

7. Masukkan sos tomato dan gaulkan lagi hingga sebati. Siap!

Books that aren't that great

Dear Bloggie,

I read a stupid book today. I know from the start that the book is stupid but I want to be optimistic about it and hope that it will not be as stupid as I think it will be.

I am disappointed. The book is stupid and I should have known better, it is from that author.

What do you mean by stupid books?

Honestly, I don’t have a good answer for that. I can't even begin to explain why I feel the need to have such a term as stupid book.

So if I know the book is like that, why I continue reading it?

Hmm...why indeed. I have this bad habit of finishing whatever book that I pick up especially if I have gone through halfway of it. Like I said before, I want to be optimistic about it. I have gone through the book before and at that time I think, “This is total bull,” but maybe I’ll think about it differently today.

To be fair, there are days that even good books feel like bad book to me especially when I've just finished reading an awesome book. All other book feels bad in comparison. So I want to give this book a chance seeing that this book might fall in the 'all other book feels bad in comparison' category.

But oh how wrong I am. I stand corrected.

This book that I read today is very demeaning to my intelligence. Mind you, by that, I never mean to claim that I’m intelligent or whatever but I can literally feel my IQ drops a couple of points while reading it.

What is so bad about it?

Firstly, the characterization is one dimensional. All the characters are like puppet. Though the book supposed to be highly emotional, I can't feel anything. The author just run away with it without any consideration on the plot, realty and the whole feeling of the outcome.

The sheer stupidity is astounding.

Secondly, it's making that kind of genre feels cheap. I remember liking this kind of writing when I was 10 years old. To my 20s years old self, it's like mistaken a tabloid for a real paper.

You sound angry about this.

I don’t know why I feel angry about this. Maybe because I spend a considerable amount of time on this book. Maybe because a crap author like her get to publish anything and set a standard for other writers when I know there are lots of genius writers out there that don’t have the chance that she have.

World missing out a lot on that.

Or maybe I'm angry because the book is so cheesy I almost puke my lunch and feels like stabbing my eyes with the fork. I’m so mad!

Hell kitty

I find it kinda disturbing when my first thought in the morning is 'I miss my cat'.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Letter to Kentang

Dear Kentang,

I dont know if this story has its significant or not.

But anyway, after our treatment yesterday, I singgah Jusco to buy mineral water and I suddenly teringat, I wanna buy a trackball. you know what a trackball is? It's the thing that kinda functions like a mouse, does what a mouse does but isn't actually a mouse. Yeah...

So, I masuk dlm satu kedai komputer. The salesboy was friendly enough and if I do say so myself (and I do say so), he looked like a K-pop wannabe. Seriously cute. I almost do a double take. Emphasized on the almost. Maybe I should go to that shop more often. Hehehehhahahaah

Anyway, we chatted for a bit about the trackball because he said, “Kite tak de stock meh. Kite punya suppplier itu Selasa baru datang.”

So, I said to him, how should I know that the trackball he mentioned is the same trackball that I want? So he suggested we googled it on his laptop. To his credit, while that trackball is not the exact same thing that I want, it is passable, so I said, “Sure, ok. Berapa? Takde discount kah?”

“Benda ini mana ada discount maa. Itu lagi, jarang customer beli ini barang,” was his anticipated reply. Stingy pot. But out of the blue—maybe he was being his friendly self—he asked me, "Nama apa? Sekolah kat mane?" while he wrote down my deposite and receipt.

Me, while feigning surprise, told him that there is in no uncertain way that I'm a student (Not in those exact word but you know what I mean). In fact, just to be pompous, “I teach”, I told him.

"Ya ka?" he said, "Umur berapa?" So sceptical this cute salesboy. I wonder if I should show him my I.D.

"Cuba u teka umur berapa?” I said that the way I always say everytime people ask me this kind of question; with glee.

“Er..saya tak tau meh. Saya salah teka nanti u marah. Tapi kalau u baru-baru masuk kedai tadi, I teka, I think u are less than 22,” he said with this serious expression like this wasn't just a friendly chat in your friendly computer shop in your friendly neighborhood.

This time I was the one who made a sceptical face. “Ya kah?” was my brilliant reply. “Saya dah 27,” I said, giving him an actual answer which when I thought later, actually was none of his darn business. Girl is supposed to be sensitive about age, ok?

“You tipu,” was his quick reply. How dare he accused me of being a lying liar who lied? I was tempted once again to show him my I.D but I kept my cool and informed him that no one actually paid me to lie to him so I didnt. Lie, I mean. (But of course, those weren't my exact words. What I actually said was, “Betul.”)

He didn't try to accuse me of being a liar again after that and we talked about when I can pick up my trackball. I was about to offer to call him on Tuesday to make confirmation when he beat me to it and said he'd call after the thing arrive. Okay, excellent customer service. “See you guys later,” was my good-bye to the salesboys.

I couldnt stop grinning after that. He might not know it, but that conversation made my day. How often you find yourself being accused of lying about your real age and actually believe you are younger? Hahahah exactly.

I think I wanna name my car

I think I wanna name my car. Yeah, you read it right.

I think I'm gonna call him--of course he's a him!--Carl. Isn’t it cute?




I think the more I say it, the cuter it sounds.

And for those who want to know, Carl is short for Carlisle and I assure you it has nothing to do with Edward Cullen's pseudo father. Really, I'm serious.

I thought long and hard for that name i.e. for the whole duration of my 15 minutes shower (hahaha) but hey, it's still a cute name. Come on, just admit it.

Everybody and their mother know, I love my car (if not, why bother naming him).

For one thing, Carl is very reliable. He has never let me down. Take last Saturday for example. Me and Kentang went to Seri Rampai that day. After that, I went to Gombak and after a few hours, I decided to call it a day and went home to Puchong. Normally, it’ll take me about less than 40 minutes to get home from Gombak. But for some unfortunate reasons or other, that freaking Saturday, it took me 3 hours to get home!

Let me ask you. How far can you go for a 3 hours drive? Exactly! Dah boleh balik kampung! Gahhh geramnya!

The traffic jam started at Jalan Kuching until near tol Sg Besi. It was the longest traffic congestion I’ve ever been in. Nak dijadikan cerita, I had an ice blended before my drive back. As per usual human being, after two hours or so, I needed the loo. But we all know how it is with traffic jams—it takes forever to get to any stops. And even if you manage to get to any stops, the queue can be very long. Very long indeed.

Needless to say, it was a very painful journey home. Huhuhu...

After Desa Petaling, I can't take it anymore. I needed a stop and fast! So I made a drastic decision to stop at any shopping complex/ petrol station/ r&r/ or watthefreakever and took a swift veer to my left and—thank God!--shortly after that there it was! A petrol station. I've never been that glad to see that Shell symbol before, I assure you.

But as my unluckiness persist, only the man's toilet was open. Gah! I don’t know how to describe the frustration/ angry/ tired/ pain I was. About that second, I was ready to blow up. Or burned down the petrol station. “But you know what?” I told myself, “Why be a sexist?” grinned cheekily and entered the man's toilet swiftly. No turning back. No hesitation. Was probably the best decision I’ve made that evening.

If the guy after me looked a bit surprised and condescending (maybe I took more than a while to fix my tudung) when I came out, it didn’t bother me. Much. Wahahahha...

After that ordeal, I joined back the traffic. To my astonishment, not long after, the traffic turned smooth. Darn, if only I knew better....

Thereafter, I sped my way home, as fast as I could. If I scared some new faint-hearted individuals with my speeding, well, blame it on the traffic jam. A girl get to vent her frustration somehow, right? Right. Of course I’m right.

......ok. While this story told all and sundry why my Saturday’s evening sucks, it still doesn’t tell you why I love Carl. You see, in that horrendous traffic, quite a few cars were stranded. More than six, I'd say and it wasn’t even raining that day. More, my Carl's tank oil had only two bar left. Still, Carl didn’t even give a cough. Didn't even blinking! I was so sure, the tank gonna dry but heheheh...such a good boy.

Anyway, I wonder why those cars broke down. Was it because of the heat? Or just lack of petrol? If I were one of them, what should I do? Get panic and call Abah? Or be cool as a cucumber and call Abah? Hahaha...I know.

Friday, May 6, 2011

How will i spend the coming weekend?

That above, my dear is a good question.

I'm planning to spend Saturday going to some facial treatment. Mind you, I've never been to any kind of facial treatment before. So if I were a little excited about it, it's no rocket science why.

A month a go, me and Kentang made a promise to go to this treatment together but somehow I dont know whether this is still on or not. She seems busy for some reason and I think our plan might be cancelled eventually.

So that left me with what will I do this weekend?

If I had any self-preservation, I'd say I'll be a sensible person and go finish up all my office work before I'm drown with it all.

But somehow, I know, I'll do something else this weekend cause hey, I work 9 to 5 weekdays and weekend is supposed to be non-work hours, right?


Neway, I want to make a list of things that I should probably do this weekend:
  1. Laundry. For some reasons, I like doing laundry. In fact, my weekly routine, without fail, I do laundry. Seriously. Even though, we're still using that semi-auto washing machine with broken dryer, I still like doing laundry. If we managed to get an auto machine with full functioning functions (hehe), that will be the day...
  2. Wash my car. I'm sorry love. You know you are my one and only but...huhuu. I can count on my left hand how many times I wash my car by myself and still have some fingers left. I should probably take my car to car wash this weekend or buy some car shampoo and some clothes and do it myself. If only I have a mobile vacuum. Hmmm...
  3. Cook something rare. Like burgers. Cik Kaya has the recipes. I want to try but our fridge probably wont allow me the luxury. Our fridge is the kind that people usually find at the bottom of a sea. I kid you not. The frozen compartment is forever frosting. The chilling compartment may or may not has the same temperature as the room temperature outside. The only thing the fridge does properly is burn electricity. Gahh. Stupid fridge! I'm planning to get a new one but, I'm gonna wait until at least till end of June. I have my reasons.
  4. Watch movies. I want to watch this Thai film that has came out in cinema. The film sounds interesting. Should check out my nearest cinema then.
  5. Go to a hair salon. I probably dont need this. My hair is okay as it it. But I still have one treatment (free!) to go. Hmm...maybe next time.
  6. Visit someone. Who?
  7. Sit down and write. Hahahaha. Yeah, maybe I should do that.
Anyway, still hoping for Kentang to return my calls.


i promised myself that i'll write in this blog everyday.

it's like a resolution or something. i said this to myself every year but...

empty, empty promises.

i need some motivation to do this. i wonder how active bloggers do this. why do they have so much to say everyday?

still, i got to do this lest my language skill will be impaired.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Godfather

Have you watched the Godfather movie?
I have.
I'm surprise to find it interesting. The problem is, I dont know what is so interesting about the movie. But it is interesting. Maybe because the movie reminds me of Marcone. Hehe

But seriously, go and watch it if you havent yet.

It is a freaking awesome movie considering it was made in 1972. Malay movies--i'm sorry to say this--cant even begin to compare. they dont even have internet(do they?) and all these technologies in 1970s but still, they made awesome movies. kudos for them.

this movie is about a mafia family. yes, they are a family. it's a family business, this mafia thingy.

i like the mafia family dynamic. it's very ...fetching? unique? i donno how to describe them. they have this tight family bond and they are kinda a bunch of touchy feely guys which i think is nice whithin a family. whats more? they serve food. all. the. freaking. time.
or is it like that in every italian family? i'll never know. sometime i wish i'm an italian so i can tell (and eat all those amazing italian food).

they are mafia and that generally means bad people, right? okay, they are bad people but they are also some kinda like hmm...enforcer? which is really cool. i cant help but compare them to batman or something. the only difference of those two is batman has legit business while mafia kinda grey, if you know what i mean.


i miss writing. like freaking seriously.
ok let me rephrase that. i miss writing like a junkie miss his junks. which is kinda unhealthy but not really. i mean, writing is good for my soul.

and all the guilty emails has got to stop. please. i'm guilty. i know. so stop pointing it out. all those guilty emails make me feels...guilty. so please, please stop sending them.

there are probably thousands of reason why i stop writing. i could write down on a list but i'd probably waste half of the rainforest to finish it.

but the most obvious reason happens. lame reason right? but seriuosly, lame or not, thats the truth.
you know, life. they consume you, eat you and spit you back out when you are down. and the cycle continues. add in students and schools and drama and whatgotyou, time is ..well, constrained.

but the real reason is, despite the time constrain is i was...i am...i mean...i..
okay. i reread back all my stuff and i thought,'wow, this is crap! did i do this? and people read it? omg! i'm gonna hide under my duvet and never come out again. never!'

if there were ever a language murderer, 'tis me!

and i never get over it. makes me wonder why i started writing at the first place.

in other word, i am ashamed of my bad writing. gahhh...need to get over it.