Monday, May 9, 2011

I think I wanna name my car

I think I wanna name my car. Yeah, you read it right.

I think I'm gonna call him--of course he's a him!--Carl. Isn’t it cute?




I think the more I say it, the cuter it sounds.

And for those who want to know, Carl is short for Carlisle and I assure you it has nothing to do with Edward Cullen's pseudo father. Really, I'm serious.

I thought long and hard for that name i.e. for the whole duration of my 15 minutes shower (hahaha) but hey, it's still a cute name. Come on, just admit it.

Everybody and their mother know, I love my car (if not, why bother naming him).

For one thing, Carl is very reliable. He has never let me down. Take last Saturday for example. Me and Kentang went to Seri Rampai that day. After that, I went to Gombak and after a few hours, I decided to call it a day and went home to Puchong. Normally, it’ll take me about less than 40 minutes to get home from Gombak. But for some unfortunate reasons or other, that freaking Saturday, it took me 3 hours to get home!

Let me ask you. How far can you go for a 3 hours drive? Exactly! Dah boleh balik kampung! Gahhh geramnya!

The traffic jam started at Jalan Kuching until near tol Sg Besi. It was the longest traffic congestion I’ve ever been in. Nak dijadikan cerita, I had an ice blended before my drive back. As per usual human being, after two hours or so, I needed the loo. But we all know how it is with traffic jams—it takes forever to get to any stops. And even if you manage to get to any stops, the queue can be very long. Very long indeed.

Needless to say, it was a very painful journey home. Huhuhu...

After Desa Petaling, I can't take it anymore. I needed a stop and fast! So I made a drastic decision to stop at any shopping complex/ petrol station/ r&r/ or watthefreakever and took a swift veer to my left and—thank God!--shortly after that there it was! A petrol station. I've never been that glad to see that Shell symbol before, I assure you.

But as my unluckiness persist, only the man's toilet was open. Gah! I don’t know how to describe the frustration/ angry/ tired/ pain I was. About that second, I was ready to blow up. Or burned down the petrol station. “But you know what?” I told myself, “Why be a sexist?” grinned cheekily and entered the man's toilet swiftly. No turning back. No hesitation. Was probably the best decision I’ve made that evening.

If the guy after me looked a bit surprised and condescending (maybe I took more than a while to fix my tudung) when I came out, it didn’t bother me. Much. Wahahahha...

After that ordeal, I joined back the traffic. To my astonishment, not long after, the traffic turned smooth. Darn, if only I knew better....

Thereafter, I sped my way home, as fast as I could. If I scared some new faint-hearted individuals with my speeding, well, blame it on the traffic jam. A girl get to vent her frustration somehow, right? Right. Of course I’m right.

......ok. While this story told all and sundry why my Saturday’s evening sucks, it still doesn’t tell you why I love Carl. You see, in that horrendous traffic, quite a few cars were stranded. More than six, I'd say and it wasn’t even raining that day. More, my Carl's tank oil had only two bar left. Still, Carl didn’t even give a cough. Didn't even blinking! I was so sure, the tank gonna dry but heheheh...such a good boy.

Anyway, I wonder why those cars broke down. Was it because of the heat? Or just lack of petrol? If I were one of them, what should I do? Get panic and call Abah? Or be cool as a cucumber and call Abah? Hahaha...I know.

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