Thursday, May 5, 2011


i miss writing. like freaking seriously.
ok let me rephrase that. i miss writing like a junkie miss his junks. which is kinda unhealthy but not really. i mean, writing is good for my soul.

and all the guilty emails has got to stop. please. i'm guilty. i know. so stop pointing it out. all those guilty emails make me feels...guilty. so please, please stop sending them.

there are probably thousands of reason why i stop writing. i could write down on a list but i'd probably waste half of the rainforest to finish it.

but the most obvious reason happens. lame reason right? but seriuosly, lame or not, thats the truth.
you know, life. they consume you, eat you and spit you back out when you are down. and the cycle continues. add in students and schools and drama and whatgotyou, time is ..well, constrained.

but the real reason is, despite the time constrain is i was...i am...i mean...i..
okay. i reread back all my stuff and i thought,'wow, this is crap! did i do this? and people read it? omg! i'm gonna hide under my duvet and never come out again. never!'

if there were ever a language murderer, 'tis me!

and i never get over it. makes me wonder why i started writing at the first place.

in other word, i am ashamed of my bad writing. gahhh...need to get over it.

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